This is a really exciting ERA in our lives where advancement in technology has been successful in integrating practice of medicine into the daily lives of our patients. I see remote patient monitoring (RPM) as one giant step to not only strengthen but modernize healthcare. New rules have been set to help physicians reach the unreachable patients and help them treat their chronic illness in the safety of their homes. Physicians will see not only patient care benefits but also a great enhanced revenue generation.
InstaMD is our creation to enhance the care and bring a new generation of medicine to technology driven future doctors. Our platform not only promotes future innovation in telemedicine and cardiac care but also reduces the burden for physicians and care providers. We can provide patients with a personalized treatment plan that will certainly result in better health outcomes. The flexibility we provide can be individualized for the patient and the physician.
Our exclusive HUB is very simple to use and allows for more patient independence and empowerment. Sharing data analytics with providers and payors will relieve the congestion of the notepad with unnecessary paperwork and improve time efficiency and time generating revenue. I can show you the path to advancement of overall healthcare and will be always happy to share our experiences and results.